State Dyslexia Laws

Listed below are current state laws related to dyslexia. You can click on column heads to re-order the list. as needed.

If you know of a specific statute that should be added to the list, please leave a comment below.

You will also find reports and publications issued by various states here:  Resource Links: State Educational Resources.

Table updated September 26, 2023

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State Dyslexia Task Force Reports

2023 New & Pending Legislation

This table lists bills that are pending or being acted upon in various state legislatures during 2023.  The table includes a global search utility, allowing search by state, keyword, status, or bill number. 

Table updated November 4, 2023

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2022 New & Pending Legislation

This table lists bills that are pending or being acted upon in various state legislatures during 2022.  The table includes a global search utility, allowing search by state, keyword, status, or bill number. 

Table updated January 13, 2023

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Iowa-2020-SF2356-Dyslexia Education


A bill for an act relating to the education of students with characteristics of dyslexia and to the preparation and licensure of practitioners for such instruction, and establishing an Iowa dyslexia board. 

Requires state education board to set standards and procedures for teacher training in preparation for advanced dyslexia specialist endorsement.

Requires hiring of full time dyslexia consultant by education board, by July 2024.

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2020 New & Pending Legislation

This table lists bills that are pending or being acted upon in various state legislatures during 2020.  The table includes a global search utility, allowing search by state, key word, status, or bill number. 
Table updated February 7, 2022

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Iowa 2009-2010 SB 384 – Mandatory Grade Retention

retention1001 This bill requires the board of directors of a school district, beginning august 1, 2009, to adopt a student promotion policy that facilitates collaboration among teachers, parents, and guardians of the student, and the school district, to support student reading at grade level. Beginning july 1, 2012, the bill prohibits a school district from promoting a student enrolled in grade three to grade four if the student is more than one year below grade level in reading, unless retention at the current grade level is determined not to be in the best interest of the child.

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