AN ACT relating to early education assessment and intervention. Create a new section of KRS Chapter 158 to define “aphasia,” “dyscalculia,” “dysgraphia,” “dyslexia,” “phonemic awareness,” and “scientifically based research”; require the Kentucky Board of Education to promulgate administrative regulations for district reporting on implementation of a response-to-intervention system in grades K-3 in reading and writing by August 1, 2012, in mathematics by August 1, 2013, and in behavior by August 1, 2014; require the Department of Education to make available technical assistance, training, and a Web-based resource to assist all local school districts in the implementation of the system and instructional tools based on scientifically based research; require the department to collaborate with other state agencies and organizations; require conformity with 20 U.S.C. 1414(a)(1)(E) for initial evaluations of students with suspected disabilities; require the department to report to the Interim Joint Committee on Education on implementation by November 30, 2012, and annually thereafter; amend KRS 157.200 to conform with the federal definition of a “specific learning disability.”.
- History: Jan 4-introduced in House; to Education (H) (Prefiled by the sponsor(s))
- Sponsor: <a href="">Addia Kathryn Wuchner</a>
- Bill Text: <a href="">MS Word - Prefiled Text</a>
- Status: <a href="">View Bill Status Page</a>, Legislature Adjourned.
- Related Bills: <a href="">SB 160</a>