Relating to testing accommodations for a person with dyslexia taking a licensing examination administered by a state agency.
- Related Bills: <a href="">SB 1673</a> (Companion Bill)
- Bill Text: <a href="">Bill Text</a>, <a href="">Fiscal Note</a>, <a href="">Bill Analysis</a>, <a href="">Senate Committee Report</a>, <a href="">Senate Committee Witness List</a>, <a href="">Engrossed</a>, <a href="">House Committee Report</a>, <a href="">Enrolled Bill (as passed)</a>
- Adjournment Date: Adjournment: 5/31/2011
- History: S Filed and Received by the Secretary of the Senate 02/22/2011, S Read first time, Referred to Government Organization 03/01/2011, S Scheduled for public hearing 3/21/2011, S Testimony taken in committee, Considered in public hearing 03/21/2011, Reported favorably w/o amendments, Recommended for local & uncontested calendar, Committee report printed and distributed 03/24/2011, S Placed on local & uncontested calendar 04/07/2011, S Passed 04/07/2011, H Received from the Senate 04/07/2011, H Read First Time, Referred to Licensing & Administrative Procedures 04/11/2011, H Reported favorably w/o amendment(s) 05/12/2011, H Committee report distributed 05/18/2011, H Comm. report sent to Local & Consent Calendar 05/19/2011, H Considered in Local & Consent Calendars 05/21/2011, H Placed on Local, Consent, and Res. Calendar 05/23/2011, H Passed 05/23/2011, S Reported enrolled 05/23/2011, E Sent to the Governor 05/25/2011
- Status: <a href="">Check Status</a>, Passed Both House & Senate, Signed by Governor 6/17/11, Effective on Sept 1, 2011.
- Sponsor: <a href="">Bob Deuell</a>
- Position: DDAI SUPPORTS this bill
- Hearings: H Scheduled for public hearing on 05/10/2011, H Considered in public hearing, testimony taken, left pending in committee 5/10/11