Iowa-2020-SF2356-Dyslexia Education


A bill for an act relating to the education of students with characteristics of dyslexia and to the preparation and licensure of practitioners for such instruction, and establishing an Iowa dyslexia board. 

Requires state education board to set standards and procedures for teacher training in preparation for advanced dyslexia specialist endorsement.

Requires hiring of full time dyslexia consultant by education board, by July 2024.

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Louisiana – 2020 – HB 871 – Definition of Dyslexia


Revises the definition of dyslexia for purposes of testing and providing services to students.

Dyslexia is now defined as:

an unexpected difficulty in reading for an individual who has the intelligence to be a much better reader, most commonly caused by a difficulty in phonological processing, which affects the ability of an individual to speak, read, and spell. “Phonological processing” means the appreciation of the individual sounds of spoken and written language.