Oklahoma – 2017 – HB 2008 – Dyslexia Handbook

Oklahoma An Act relating to education; creating the Dyslexia and Education Task Force:

There is hereby created, to continue until December 31, 2018, the “Dyslexia and Education Task Force”. The purpose of the
task force shall be to create a dyslexia handbook that will provide guidance for schools, students and parents in identification,  intervention and support of students with dyslexia through accommodations and assistive technology.

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Minnesota – 2017 – Education Dyslexia Specialist

Minnesota Minnesota has enacted a new law requiring the Department of Education to employ a dyslexia specialist to provide information and support for schools.  The law provides:

The department must employ a dyslexia specialist to provide technical assistance for dyslexia and related disorders and to serve as the primary source of information and support for schools in addressing the needs of students with dyslexia and related disorders.

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