Oregon – 2017 – SB 1003 – Kindergarten Dyslexia Screening

Oregon State and SealPrescribes requirements for screening tests related to dyslexia. Directs Department of Education to develop guidance regarding best practices related to dyslexia intervention. Directs department to submit to interim committees of Legislative Assembly report and recommendations for legislation related to screening and instructional support. Delays timeline by which specified number of grade school teachers are required to have received training related to dyslexia. Takes effect July 1, 2018

Key Provisions: 

  • Each school district shall ensure that at least one kindergarten through grade five
    teacher in each kindergarten through grade five school has received training related to
  • Each school district shall ensure that every student is screened for risk factors of
    dyslexia using a screening test identified by the department when the student first enrolls at a publis school in kindergarten or first grade.
  • Screening tests must take into account phonological awareness, rapid naming skills, correspondence between sounds and letters, and family history of difficulty in learning to read.