Expands eligibility for the Mississippi dyslexia therapy scholarship for students with dyslexia to include students in grade 1 through grade 12. Amends Mississippi code to require local school districts to use a dyslexia screener from a list approved by the state board of education.
- Status: Bill Passed 4/3/2016
- Bill Text: <a href="http://billstatus.ls.state.ms.us/documents/2017/pdf/HB/1000-1099/HB1046SG.pdf">As Sent to Governor</a>
- Act / Statute Reference: Amends sections 37-173-1, 37-173-3, 37-173-7, 37-173-9, and 37-173-15
- History: ** 04/03/2017 Due From Governor 04/20/17 ** 04/03/2017 (S) Enrolled Bill Signed ** 03/30/2017 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed ** 03/29/2017 (S) Conference Report Adopted ** 03/29/2017 (H) Conference Report Adopted ** 03/27/2017 (H) Conference Report Filed ** 03/27/2017 (S) Conference Report Filed ** 03/24/2017 (S) Conferees Named Tollison,Blackwell,Barnett ** 03/21/2017 (H) Conferees Named Moore,Roberson,Barker ** 03/15/2017 (H) Decline to Concur/Invite Conf ** 03/14/2017 (S) Returned For Concurrence ** 03/08/2017 (S) Passed As Amended ** 03/08/2017 (S) Amended ** 02/28/2017 (S) Title Suff Do Pass As Amended ** 02/23/2017 (S) DR - TSDPAA: ED To AP ** 02/20/2017 (S) Referred To Education;Appropriations ** 02/10/2017 (H) Transmitted To Senate ** 02/09/2017 (H) Passed ** 02/08/2017 (H) Read the Third Time ** 01/26/2017 (H) Title Suff Do Pass ** 01/16/2017 (H) Referred To Education **