Increases the maximum number of Master’s candidate students eligible for a scholarship under the Dyslexia Education Scholarship Program from 10 to 20.
- History - House: 01/21 (H) Referred To Education;Appropriations 01/28 (H) DR - TSDPAA: ED To AP 01/31 (H) DR - TSDPAA: AP To ED 01/31 (H) Title Suff Do Pass As Amended 02/13 (H) Amended 02/13 (H) Passed As Amended {Vote} 02/18 (H) Transmitted To Senate 03/15 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed
- History - Senate: 02/20 (S) Referred To Education;Appropriations 02/26 (S) DR - TSDP: ED To AP 03/05 (S) Title Suff Do Pass 03/12 (S) Passed {Vote} 03/13 (S) Transmitted To House 03/15 (S) Enrolled Bill Signed
- Status: Passed and Signed by Governor, <a href="">Mississippi Legislature</a>
- Bill Text: <a href="">Bill Text, as sent to Governor</a>, <a href="">Bill Text, as sent to Governor</a>